Lifetime Limits

Quick Description

A lifetime limit or a lifetime maximum benefit is the total amount of benefits available within a Long-Term Care Insurance policy. This amount can change with inflation benefits.

Full Description

Lifetime limits or maximum lifetime benefits refer to a limit on available benefits within a Long-Term Care Insurance policy. 

This limit is usually defined in terms of "dates of service," or years, or a dollar amount, but never both. When you purchase the policy, you'll have a choice of exactly how many benefits you want. 

This lifetime limit represents the total initial amount your policy could pay towards care. However, this amount can grow with inflation. You can choose your inflation percentage when you first purchase the policy.  

Most policies are "pool of money" products. This means there is no set time limit on benefits, despite benefits often being described by a time period. 

In other words, this means benefits are not "use it or lose it." Your benefits will never expire. 

Some policies offer an "unlimited lifetime benefit." This means the policyholder could never exhaust the benefit from the policy. However, this feature costs more than traditional benefits.