Who Should I Seek Help From When Shopping for Long-Term Care Insurance?

Many people will turn to their financial advisor for long-term health care planning. This can make sense since asset protection is one of many reasons people turn to LTC Insurance. However, advisors often provide inaccurate information that can drastically affect the insurance policy's cost and/or usefulness when the time comes for care.

Who Can Sell Long-Term Care Insurance?

Several licensed professionals may be able to assist you with Long-Term Care Insurance. 

Financial Advisor/Planner

Financial advisors and planners provide several services, such as investment management, retirement planning, and estate planning. Fee-based financial advisors will usually not sell insurance products. Otherwise, your financial advisor may offer several insurance products, including Long-Term Care Insurance.

Many financial advisors only work with one or two insurance companies and have limited experience with these products and their features and benefits.

Local Insurance Agent

Your local insurance agent can sell many different insurance products, with Long-Term Care Insurance being one of them. Typically, local insurance agents will represent just one company's umbrella of products.

Independent Insurance Agency

These insurance agencies often offer many different insurance products. Some will also offer Long-Term Care Insurance. 

An independent insurance agency specializing in Long-Term Care Insurance acts as a neutral resource in working with all major insurance companies. Agencies have an increased array of knowledge and experience in long-term health care planning and the underwriting process of insurance policies.

Long-Term Care Specialist 

A Long-Term Care Specialist is an insurance agent with substantial experience in Long-Term Care Insurance, underwriting, policy design, and claims experience. The specialist may work as a captive agent for just one insurance company or, on their own, representing multiple insurance companies. Some specialists work with an agency, and some agencies specialize in Long-Term Care Insurance.

Most specialists represent all or most of the leading insurance companies that offer long-term health care solutions. They typically have five or more years of experience in the field. However, some have as many as 20 or more years of experience.

The years of experience are not necessarily the most crucial element. The real question is how many people have been helped by the specialist with long-term care planning. Top specialists have helped as many as 200 or more people every year.

Since there are a limited number of true Long-Term Care Insurance specialists in the country, many help consumers in multiple states or even nationwide.

Use a Specialist. Matt McCann Has Helped Thousands Nationwide

Financial advisors and general insurance agents and agencies often have minimal experience with long-term health care planning. They lack a complete understanding of the partnership program available in most states and have never processed a claim. 

Matt McCann, however, has been a leading Long-Term Care Insurance specialist for over 20 years. His unique experience can help his clients plan for the costs and burdens of aging. 

When shopping for the best company and designing an appropriate and affordable plan, a specialist like Matt McCann can help you find the best coverage at the best value.

Matt's understanding of each companies underwriting guidelines, policy features and benefits, the federal/state partnership program, policy design, and claims will give you and your family peace of mind. 

Remember, each state's insurance department regulates insurance products and premiums. No individual agent, agency, or advisor can offer you special deals. 

Matt will match you, your health, and your family history to find the right options and save you money. 

Matt McCann is licensed nationwide and is certified with the federal/state long-term care partnership program available in most states. He is also one of the few agents endorsed by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. His unique process allows you to speak with him on the phone as you view his computer screen on your device. Nothing is easier or safer.

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